Tuesday, September 30, 2014


there are days when i read something and they are just the right words that i need.

on this day, this post by kelle hampton was just what i needed.

"that loving something—like, say, motherhood—while yet professing disappointment for its shadows—like, say, fits or hard days or seeing your children struggle—doesn’t so much mean that you hate that thing but rather that your love for it is well-seasoned with the reality that the best things in life come with a flipside. We say howdy to the flipsides in life, and usually that acknowledgment is enough to keep them from getting to us. If we didn’t acknowledge them, they might get mad and stick around until we did."

those words.

the flipsides.

the days that you see your kid struggle.

definitely the flipside of the best thing in life.

we are on to another day, may it be a better one.

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