Wednesday, October 1, 2014

bring it october

i am such a sucker for to do lists. i love checking off the boxes when something gets done.

after seeing elise post her monthly lists on instagram, i was inspired to come up with a monthly list of my own. so here i go.

clearly, these 11 things won't be the only things i do in october. i wish i only had 11 things to do, but there are about one million others. so in addition to daily time with my family and friends and the normal routines, i am going to put energy into getting these 11 (14 if we are getting technical since 2 of these actually add up to 5 things) goals done.

i will keep you posted on my progress -- and if you aren't interested, well...i guess that you can just skip that day because it is my blog so i kind of get to decide what i want to write, but i will let you decide what you want to read;)

the list will also help me to do a little jedi mind trick on myself so that i can try and focus on anything other than november 10th and 12th, which i am thinking is a solid plan.

speaking of november 10th and 12th, as the fates would have it, the 10th is the last day that beth goes in for chemo treatment, and the 12th is when she finishes and has her port removed. so we are both going with the belief that the 12th is going to be a really good day for both of us. couldn't be any other way, right? right.

i am going to kick it with beth tomorrow night as she makes it through this week of chemo, so no more posts from me this week.

i hope that you have a great weekend, may it be full of big and little moments - and may you enjoy all of them. xo

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