Tuesday, May 20, 2014

rabi, part ii

last september i wrote about rabi.

now it is time to write again, but there just really seem to be no words.

rabi now knows that he is in the final round of his fight against cancer, and is preparing to hang up his boxing gloves for the last time.

8 years of fighting since his first trip to the mayo clinic. that is a long time to be in the ring, there is no doubt about that. he has put those boxing gloves on more than enough times to be a champion. i think everyone who knows him knows that he was a champion long before cancer came calling.

after we got the news on thursday, my heart has been heavy thinking about rabi and the entire family. on friday night, i was on a run and spent most of my steps thinking about them and wishing we lived closer. so that in addition to our love and prayers, we could make food, do laundry, babysit, run errands, mow lawns, whatever was needed whenever it was needed. but the distance between washington and minnesota doesn't really allow us to do that, so we send our love out on the winds to be carried across the miles.

so i thought about what i could do for rabi.

i could run.

as you know, i decided last week that i was going to sign up for a 10k run -- the biggest physical challenge i have given myself yet (next to surviving cancer treatments for a year of course).

i will run the 10k for rabi. 

at this time when he is getting ready to hang up his gloves, i will carry his gloves and mine and we will do this 10k together.

every step i run between now and that finish line will be for rabi.

when i run, there are moments where i look down at my feet -- i think that i am subconciously checking to make sure that they are still carrying me along. i have a habit of always looking at my right shoe (don't ask me why, i have no clue). so that exact spot on my right shoe now carries rabi's name. i always carry him in my heart, but now on my runs i will carry him in eyesight as well.

so if you are looking for me between now and september, you can likely find me out with rabi hitting the pavement and training for this 10k goal.

we've got this.

champions always finish their fights.

love to you rabi and peterson clan -- we carry you with us everywhere we go.

anywhere we run, you run. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Beautiful tribute to a beautiful soul. I admire you so much!!
