Wednesday, May 21, 2014

for mary

on thursday at 11:15am wisconsin time my dear friend mary goes in for pet scans. after mary's last surgery in february to remove melanoma from her leg, the follow up scans showed that some of the margins were not clean. this scan is to determine if the only area of concern are those remaining margins (which i know will be the case as it is the only option), with the hope that another surgery to remove those margins is the only action that is needed.

it is classic melanoma irony to talk in terms of hoping that the news is good in that only a another surgery on her leg is what is needed. ugh.

melanoma has a way of making unpleasant outcomes (aka another surgery) turn into really good news compared to the other news the oncologist could be telling you.

so send your love, mojo, vibes and love her way on thursday and friday.

both mary and i thank you -- she has so loved getting all of the happy mail that has been sent to her since her last surgery.

i also happen to think that the shirt she is wearing in this pic is pretty great.

mary -- you have got this, no doubt about it, crank up those tunes to get you in fighter mode and show that pet scan and melanoma you mean business. f*ck cancer. xoxo

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