the traditions.
the joy. palm open.
we have had some of my favorite holiday moments over the last week, and i am doing my best to soak them all in and enjoy every minute. so, so thankful. a million times over. i am equally excited for all of the moments still to come.
on saturday, i got to watch my niece graduate. it was awesome (go cougs!). i am such a proud aunt and i could not have been more proud of her as i heard her name announced in the coliseum and i watched them hand her that well deserved diploma. amazing. another one of the key moments that i so wanted to have on this three month span.
these milestones moments always have those seconds that my heart is pulled in different directions. i embrace that second i am living while that other little string pulls on the what if's of the future. the hopes that i have for malena, the hope that i have for being there to watch her walk across the stage at a college graduation. at a high school graduation. at a middle school graduation. at a kindergarten graduation. at a pre-school graduation. so i give those what if's their space, i take a deep breath and i refocus on the second i am living. and some times, those what if's still catch me when i don't expect them. like at dinner tonight with a dear friend when we are catching up and the tears well up before i even know they are coming. but those tears need to find their way out, they always eventually do, and so i let them fall and i pause to catch my breath. in and out. in and out. then, like always, i carry on.
chase is also moving on and i wanted to share some of the latest updates of how he is doing:
"Baby Steps. :)
Lisa sent me this video of Chaser in therapy today and it completely made my day! It is so exciting to see him in a vertical position other than in the stander. I have wanted to see this since the day he started therapy. I realize that it isn't him doing the motions yet, but it is a foreshadow of whats to come! This video made it pretty easy for mom and I to make up our mind what Chaser is getting for Christmas- Looks
like our next treadmill won't be used for folding laundry! God is Good!!
i posted the video on Chases Facebook page
School is Cool! :)
Written Dec 7, 2013 5:18pm
While its 10 below outside the sun room windows, Ava is warming Chaser up with her own version of home therapy. They started the morning off by looking for Christmas presents on her computer and spelling his name. What out Gillette - you may have a new recruit in the making
Chaser had a great week at school and therapy. His teacher says that he is adjusting very well, and kids are taking to having him there equally as good. He is making new friends, and while he is there learning along with the other kids, it seems like he is teaching them as well, as their curious little minds have a lot of questions about his condition. This is definately the start of a great new chapter, for him and us! It is nice to have a fresh set of new eyes to see what Chase is capible of. The nurse noticed Chase seems to have controlled eye movements in the form of blinking when asked questions, as did the therapists at Gillette's. It may be a sign, or a start of some form of communication! .....time will tell.
With his new busy schedual of therapy and school, Chaser has been a tired little boy this week. He has been sleeping well through then night, and is taking frequent catnaps here and there. Thank you all for your support, prayers, and the fun mail that keeps pouring in. We all look forward to opening them up once a week. Enjoy your weekend- stay warm!
God is Good!
Circle of Friends :)
Written Dec 2, 2013 6:07pm
Wow- Chase is going to school!!!! - Go IS Good! :)
Video from Katie :)
Written Nov 26, 2013 11:16pm
Chads's fiancee Katie sent this video to us to remind us how far Chaser has progressed. This Nov 28th is definitely a day to be thankful in our household! Have a great Thanksgiving, and thank you all for your support!
God Is Good !!!
Here is a like for those of you that do not use facebook.....
Thank you all for your support!"
God Is Good !!!
Here is a like for those of you that do not use facebook.....
Thank you all for your support!"
happy tuesday peeps, make it a great one. enjoy the moments, big and small. xo
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