Monday, August 18, 2014

one move

today was one of those days when the workload was high and time to do it was low.

today was one of those days when my patience was almost non-existent.

today was one of those days when i wasn't sure which of the items on my to do list to cross off first.

today was one of those days when i got home and opened my mailbox and saw some happy mail.

today was one of those days when i found a little token sent from one of my friends that reminded me to make one move.

today was one of those days when i could have done a lot of things that needed to get done, but none of them were really that important.

today was one of those days when i chose to make one move just for myself. i made a great lunch for tomorrow. i went for a 3 mile run. i took some deep breaths. i relaxed.

today was one of those days when i got the perfect reminder just when i needed it.

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