Tuesday, September 18, 2012


another first.

my first trapeze lesson. i haven't felt my adrenaline kick in that hard for a long time. nothing like standing way the hell up in the air on a small platform and grabbing onto a small bar to get your blood pumping. i think that my heart rate is just now slowing down to normal pace. it was so awesome. seriously, there are no words for how fun it was. so much fun in fact that we signed up for more lessons. we are pretty much going to be ready to turn professional in no time. look out barnum and bailey, we are going to give you a run for your money.

training for a 5k. buying a photo printer. trapeze lessons.

the new firsts are starting to add up.

this is the kind of math i like.


  1. I will tell Circus World Museum that they can stop looking for a trapeze performer for next summer! :)~
    Can't wait to hear about the progress!
