Monday, August 31, 2015

tuesday is the big day

you guys.

first grade.

it is happening.

in less than 12 hours.

she is already asleep, i might be up all night.

will she find her way to her class? will someone help her at lunchtime? will someone play with her at recess? will she be scared?

i am in knots.

tomorrow is a big day, and i wish that i could shadow her all day long.

there are two posts by glennon at momastery that say exactly what i feel.

watching him walk away is like looking at the sun. and have this conversation before you send your baby back to school

"just be grateful and kind and brave. that’s all you ever need to be."

that is all anyone of us need to be.

i will brave tomorrow just like she is going to be, and i will watch her walk away as she starts this new adventure.

growing up is not easy, especially when you go through it the second time with your heart walking outside of your body.

so here we go.

anywhere she goes, i go.

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