the weekend was a blend of fun and not-so-fun reality. on the fun side, malena went to her first halloween party. she was so excited, she has been counting down the days since we got the invitation. we spent saturday morning getting our treats ready,we decorated cute bowls (thank you dollar bins at target, i heart you) with stickers, and then added goldfish, animal crackers, and a pirate eye patch as the divider. super fun and super easy, and the best part is that she had a blast getting them ready.
she was even more excited to finally get to wear her snow white costume, and she wore it all day long. we finally had to pry it off of her to go to swim lessons;)
after the party, we got to have even more fun decorating halloween cookies with our besties, and some of those cookies weigh about 5 pounds with the amount of candy corns (sasha -- good thing you weren't there;)), frosting, sprinkles, more candy corn, more get the idea.
my parents kept the dollhouse that my dad made for me when i was a little kid. i surprised malena today by bringing it out so that she could play with it. it was very fun to see her enjoying it as much as i did.
my mom and i spent the bulk of today doing a bunch of projects around the house. around scan time, i always want everything around me to be organized. here is the reason why. if scans don't go my way, i don't want to worry about any projects around the house, and i don't want anyone else to either. that doesn't mean i am thinking negatively. that doesn't mean that i don't have hope. but it does mean that my actions reflect the realities of dealing with cancer. of how scared i get. of how i want everyone and everything to be taken care of. of how i need to be in constant motion because sitting still makes my mind wander to places that i don't want it to go. of how damn loudly i hear the clock ticking down to the results. of how damn angry i get that cancer is a part of my life. of how damn hard these days leading up to scans are for me. of how some days all i want to do is sleep in bed with a blanket over my head hoping that when i wake up all of the rough parts of my life that involve melanoma will just be a really bad dream.
one of the parts of my life that involves melanoma that i am very thankful for is the friends that i have made that have also been affected by melanoma (though i wish that was not the common thread of why we became friends). one of them is mary who you sent good vibes to on friday. they worked! her chest xray came back clear -- yes!!! so excited about that good news, big - huge - gigantic relief. thanks for sending all of the good mojo;)
i also want to share the latest update on the lykkens:
"Skol Vikings
Written 2 hours ago

Chaser is doing really good. He had a pretty unevenful weekend. His breathing is still challenged by the buildup in his lungs and throat- hopefully we will start to see the results of his botox injections by the end of the week. His incisions are healing very nicely, with no sign of any infection- and no doubt he will be ready to hit the trike in the next few days! :)
There has definately been some challanging times for Lisa and I to keep it positive and focus on the bright side....but seems just when we start to fade down, someone or somethins pulls us right back! :) Like today, Lisa received a text from a good hockey friend with and recent quote from Jack Jablonski- (who has made a miraculous recovery himeself) -"you just got to look forward and know that you're going to rebound. You just gotta look forward and keep a smile on your face...If you really do believe. It will come true." - and after it, our friend wrote- "we believe Chase will be fully recovered, good inspiration from Jack" - We truly want to thank you all, not only for your interest in our son and his story, but for your unconditional, nonstop support! It really helps motivate us to keep going in the right direction. Thank you!!
God is Good! :)"
happy monday, here we go. xo
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