Sunday, November 4, 2012

thankful (3.5/four)

on the second half of 3.5 and day four of this month, i am thankful for:

+++ an extra hour of sleep. not so thankful quite yet for it getting dark so early
+++ being reminded of how fun "hungry, hungry hippo" is to play
+++ catching up with my friend kimberly on all of the latest and greatest, long overdue and just in time
+++ being inspired at one of my favorite stores, getting new ideas for some special things to make for thanksgiving and christmas
+++ phone call from my friend josh, knowing that even though we don't talk everyday like we used to, he is still one of my very best friends. ever. knowing that no matter how far apart we live, or how often we do or we don't talk on the phone, that will never change.
+++ time with malena and our friend sasha at our favorite coffee shop this morning, enjoying our usual banana bread and cinnamon roll
+++ malena asking me if i would play trains with her, playing together in the kids nook for 30 minutes with our friend thomas the train

+++ seeing malena enjoying the big pack of crayons just like i did when i was kid. both of us crafting it up at the same time working on our own projects. i love our time in our craft room.

+++ modern family
+++ laughing with my mom.
+++ my sore legs carrying m for another long run today
+++ swedish fish
+++ holding hands with malena, i know the day will come before i know it when she won't hold my hand anymore. i am going to enjoy it while it lasts. every single time.
+++ finding this book to write in and one day give to malena. i came across it yesterday in a store and it stopped me in my tracks. i opened the cover and the first page says "my child, if as a baby you were sometimes comforted by my loving care, and if your heart perserves the memory of those moments, i hope you will place your trust in this advice, which is prompted by my love for you, and that it will help make you happy." (advice to my daughter - marie jan antoine nicolas de caritat). the entire book has prompts for me to write to malena, things like "about my mother", "the three words that best describe my childhood are", "my hope is that when you think of home as an adult you feel", "my friends who adore you", "a lesson i learned that you will have to learn for yourself", "places i hope i take you to", "the career i wish i had", "a cause that is dear to my heart", "i show my gratitude by", "i am grateful to you for", "mistakes i've made looking for happiness", "what i hope you remember most about your first home". i can't wait to get started. although just reading through the book, without my words even in it yet, made me tear up. pretty sure this will be a kleenex type of project.
+++ fall leaves falling from the trees, and being below my feet when i run. i will so miss their company on my runs when the time comes from them to go on their way.
+++ taking malena to see the horses in a pasture by our house, and as i started to move the car to head for home hearing her say "see you next time horsies, i hope you have a really good day today." man, i love that little girl.
+++ laying next to malena while she drifted off to sleep

sasha's cards are on their way to her, here is what one of them looks like:

happy monday everyone, another week starts. i can't wait to see all of the things that i will get to be thankful for this week.

+++ felt much the same way that she did last week when i tucked malena in while sandy tore up the east coast.
+++ very inspired after watching the video in this post...the dream of an etsy shop is getting louder and louder.

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