Friday, October 5, 2012

thursday already? really?

"the very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for,
and the most you can do is live in that hope.
not admire it from a distance but live right in it,
under its roof."
(barbara kingsolver)

i can't believe that it is already thursday, vacation week is flying by. i need another week...or two...or three. but since that isn't going to happen, at least this time, i am making the most of it.

when thinking about this vacation, one of the main things on my to do list was to print off our pictures since i was diagnosed. my mission was to overcome my issues with pictures. i didn't get those pictures printed because life happened which was great. but i made the needed step. today i started documenting our life again. i am taking an on-line class from becky higgins, which started today, because i knew that it would light the needed fire. the fire is lit.

i promised myself that i would start this week on the first day of class, and start i did. i got two pages done that represented our week so far. it felt so good. it felt very emotional. baby steps that felt like huge steps. i still have a long way to go, but i kept the promise to myself. that felt really good.

after getting those pages done, it was run time. 1.65 miles in 21:34 minutes. not bad for a girl who didn't run (at all) at the beginning of september. look out 5k, i am coming your way.

malena and i had a date night today. we went and painted pottery for an hour and had a great time (wallace, does the picture from today look similar to another one you know?;)).  i love to watch her paint. she is just like me when i am working on my cards. quiet and focused. she chose to paint a horse, not a big surprise considering the fact that she is going to be a horse for halloween (sasha, are we sure she isn't yours?)).


following painting, we hit the kids area and made music and played for a long time until darkness came.
thursday, you did not disappoint. thanks for everything.
have a great weekend peeps, enjoy it.
+++ if you are looking for some cute text for some halloween treats, you can download a fun design here for a dollar.
+++ i am not a chili fan, but if you are, this recipe may be one that you would like
+++ for the mamas, you must read this and you must stay in the picture
+++ also for the mamas, you will like this one
+++ i love the idea of writing a letter to your kid to memorialize a certain time in their life
+++ this pizza makes my stomach growl
+++ if you ladies are looking for a cool felt idea, you should make this wreath
+++ jill, loving the quote above - thank you.
+++ kp, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!


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