Wednesday, December 28, 2011


i hope that everyone has had a good holiday week so far as the new year looms ahead. ours has been great, a lot of good times with family and friends, it has been really nice to have some down time away from work to just breathe a little. and to sleep a little. yes, sleep - my friend that left me around thanksgiving. i have been able to get some sleep especially in the early morning hours when the darkness starts to lift. the nightmares have eased some during recent nights which i am very, very grateful for.

i have been thinking a lot about the new year, especially tonight as i saw a movie focused on new years eve with one of my most favorite movie buddies. resolutions and new starts are definitely on my mind, more about those later this week.

one of my christmas gifts was a book that i was anxious to have. i first heard about this book when i read this blog post on marta writes. when i went to see about the book, the background on the book caught my eye - and my heart. the inside cover page starts "when molly wizenberg's father died of cancer, everyone told her to go easy on herself, to hold off on making any major decisions for a while. but when she tried going back to her apartment in seattle and returning to graduate school, she knew it wasn't possible to resume life as nothing had happened." when i read those words, i knew that i needed to read this book. the words "she knew it wasn't possible to resume life as nothing had happened" immediately registered with me. i too know that isn't possible. i am now about 40 pages in and loving it so far. after i get to the end, i am sure that i will write more about it - and maybe there will be some posts in between (though i don't think this one will really end for me because there is already one recipe that i am anxious to try). molly shares recipes and the stories behind them which is my favorite part. i love stories. when talking about her dad on one of the first pages she writes "my father woke up each morning wanting that day. you could see it on his face." when i read those words it confirmed for me that i was meant to read this book.

i also want each day. more than you know.

on this specific day, i wish one friend safe travels as she heads home to face the unknown twists and turns that life has planned for. i know that it will be tough, but she will hang on tight and will make it off the ride just fine - if not even better than she was at the start. i wish one friend a happy birthday and hope that the upcoming 365 days bring him all he is wishing for and more, it would all be well deserved.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are getting some sleep. Enjoy your break.
