+++ around here i had a good weekend. went to spokane for a quick girls trip with my sister, hung out with cousins, and had and great weather for the drive over and back. I got home early enough to spent a good chunk of my day today with barrett and malena which was also great.
+++ my meds did come on friday. i start them tomorrow. i feel about one million emotions about this, anxiety is right at the top. the side effects, how i will feel, if they will work, all of it. it is a lot to take in and manage and handle. but there isn't another option so here we go.
+++ around here mike did confirm through pictures that he lived up to this deal to have mai tais for me. that boy never disappoints;)
+++ around here beth isn't feeling so great, I will let you tell her in her own words:
Cycle 2 has not been my favorite. I don’t feel so hot. More nausea and fatigue. But am hanging in there. This is one of the bad days. I’ve slept a lot today.
Everything did go as planned for infusion and pump removal. We heard something weird during my appointment Thursday. I had understood I could drop the one chemo before the nerve damage got bad and continue on the other. But it doesn’t sound like that is allowed under the trial. I would have to drop all chemo at the same time. You can drop your dosage twice and stay in the trial. They are confirming that and getting back to me. My research coordinator wasn’t there and neither was my doctor. So we will see. They didn’t sit well with me or Lars. Not what we were expecting. So we will neee to figure that out. I can drop the chemo and stay on immunotherapy to see if that is working too. But in my head I didn’t think this was the plan.
Alli is starting on some new meds, seeing her surgeon this week and weighing different options. A lot to deal with.
So a lot to take in all around. I won’t write too much today but wanted to fill you in.
Thanks for your love, support and prayers.
+++ please keep sending her your love and prayers. also, i announced in my last blog post that we just kicked off a happy mail campaign for beth over the summer. she said it would add some cheer to her days as she moves through chemo rounds. if you need more info, read the details about it in part of my last post. please let me know if you would like to sign up and my rockstar friend kerry will get in touch with you with all the details. thank you - thank you - thank you for making this happen for beth. i really, really, really appreciate it. and i know she does too.
+++ crystal posted an update about Kaylee tonight and i thought that you all might like to read the latest on she is and the latest on what she is up to (is this girl amazing or what??):
Hi all -
Just wanted to check in with everyone and give you an update on Kaylee. Currently Kaylee has finished her treatment and is awaiting scans the end of June to see how well treatment went. Her doctor's are optimistic as initial results show success. Meanwhile, Kaylee is recovering at home. Her hair is beginning to return and she has attended several of her brother's baseball games enjoying the return of nice weather. Kaylee would like to thank everyone who has send her uplifting mail thus far. The outpouring of love and support has meant a lot.
During treatment, Kaylee received a bag from Chemo Bags of Hope. She was moved by the gesture and now that she is feeling better she is working with with organization to bring bags to all children receiving chemo or radiation at Children's Hospital as she learned this is too many kids. She is collecting items to fill these bags. Some of the most needed items are hand sanitizer, kleenex and backpacks or other bags. Other items can be found on the website under "How to Help"; items are also needed for adult bags. http://chemobagsofhope.org/about/ If you are inclined to contribute, you can send the items directly to Kaylee. They are also now a 503c3 organization for your donation information. This organization is only a couple months old.
Thank you all! I will continue to update you as I have more information to share. Keep sending your love to all our fighters!
+++ i also want to ask for love and prayers for my friend marcie (who i call marcie-roo). the vet discovered last week that frieda has cancer in her toe and in her lungs and her tumors are growing. she doesn't have much time left with marcie. I think any of us that have had pets know this is such a heartbreaking time to move through as pets are just as much family as humans are. so please send her and frieda your love, prayers and mojo.
+++ lastly, today was national cancer survivor's day. for those that don't follow me on Instagram (jill p - I might be talking to you;) or facebook, here are my thoughts on today:
today is national cancer survivor’s day. i prefer fighter over the word survivor, but regardless, i am not going to let this day pass without sending my love to those who have hung up their fighting gloves for the final time, those that still in the fight for their lives, and those who are now cancer free. and to the caregivers and the family members...my love goes to you as well because you are most certainly a fighter too

and with that, i will say goodnight. it is 10:10 and my brother is going to be mad i am up late.
gloves up.
another round in the ring begins tomorrow.
anywhere i fight, you fight. xoxo
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