Tuesday, August 16, 2016

you can't make this stuff up

so my doctor's office called early this morning.

my scan results were back.

they showed that both of my lungs were covered with numerous nodules.

but the radiologist did not think that all of the nodules were cancer, he thought that they were indication of an infection in my lungs.

the attending doctor working with my oncologist agreed.

guess what?

i have pneumonia.

yep, as we were hoping was not going to happen, and the reason i took antibiotics for so long, pneumonia founds its way in to my lungs thanks directly to the steroids.

so here we are.

i picked up a new antiobiotic today.

and when the pharmacist came over to give me the consult, she told me the following...

this is a very strong antiobiotic.

they will likely make you dizzy.

and she listed a few side effects i will spare you from reading (they weren't fun for me to hear, they won't be fun for you to read).

and then she said -- wait for it, wait for it -- it is definitely going to likely make you pretty nauseas.


because that is what i need more of. nausea. haven't quite had enough of that over the last two weeks.

in good news today, other than the infection across my lungs, it seemed that the tumors did not grow.

which is obviously great news. i would have loved to hear that tumors had gone away, or shrunk, but they didn't grow.

you have to take victories when you can get them my friends.

i will take that one.

so, tomorrow i start on the antibiotics and that sounds super fun based on what the pharmacist told me.

can't wait to tell you all about it.

the pneumonia is probably one reason that i have been draaaaaaaaaaaaging and so tiiiiiiiiiiiiired the last couple of weeks.

night all, have a good wednesday.

we will be half way to friday tomorrow. 

i think that we can make it.

slowly, and maybe with nausea, and maybe a little dizzy, but i think we can.



  1. Holy crap Alli! Sending healthy mojo, a load of energy, and a deep breath your way right now! From my view you are 2 hours closer to the weekend;)

  2. Well sh*t. I'm sorry. Sending pneumonia-free hugs your way.
